Features and Improvements of Windows 10 version 21H1 Update

Features and Improvements of Windows 10 21H1 Update. Microsoft is going to release its new version 21H1 in coming spring season with new features and improvements. It ill also a security update as well as including new features. Today we are going to discuss about coming version of Windows 10 21H1 update. Due to delay in release, some features will available in Microsoft update in Version Version 21H2. The Windows 10 21H2 is likely to releasing in second half of this year October 2021.

Users always ask the Windows 10 version 21H1 updates release date. Now it is out and targeted during April/ May 2021 via its cumulative updates on its patchday. Windows 10 21H1 download will start on the same time.

Windows 10 Version 21H2 Update Features and Improvements


Windows 10 21H1 Update

Features and Improvements of Windows 10 version 21H1 Update

Usually Microsoft release two big updates in every year with new features and improvements including security bugs and fixes. The latest version of Microsoft is Windows 10 20H1 (May 2020) and version 20H2 (October 2020). It is possible that the coming Windows 10 version 21H1 is smaller than Windows 10 version 21H2 coming with Windows 10 October 2021 update.

The following are the key features of Windows 10 21H1 update release date Apr / May 2021: –

1.     Windows Hello Multicamera Support

Microsoft is bringing Windows Hello Multicamera Support by which you can choose an external Windows Hello camera with existing internal camera. You can now set your external camera as default camera on your Windows 10 PC. Windows Hello is used for signing into PCs.

2.     Windows Defender Application Guard Performance

Microsoft also bringing Windows Defender Application Guard Performance feature including optimizing document opening scenario times. This feature lets administrators configure applications to run in an isolated, virtualized container for security. Microsoft confirms that opening documents should be faster in particular features.

3.     Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

Microsoft has improved Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Group Policy Service (GPSVC) as well as made it perform more quickly “to support remote work scenarios.”

4.     WSL2 Features in Windows 10 21H1 Update

Microsoft will bring three new WSL/Windows Subsystem for Linux features in its coming update via Windows 10 21H1 update version. These are as under: –

  • GPU compute. The GPU compute feature  will help Linux binaries to leverage GPU. The enhancement will increase the capability of data science workflows and machine learning development in Windows Subsystem for Linux.
  • ‘wsl –install’ command. This command will provide the opportunity to install WSL using a single command to the users.
  • wsl –update. wsl update command simplifies the process of managing Linux kernel version that used by WSL 2 distros.

That’s all.

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